Friday, February 10, 2006

I have found lately, that in the turmoils of life, praying the Rosary has really helped me through. At times, I felt it was difficult to pray Mary's special form of prayer, as many other thoughts of life would creep into my mind. I have recently been meditating on former Pope John Paul II's devotional Rosary, and this has brought a whole new vitality to my prayers otherwise bombarded by distraction. In particular, I would like to make mention of how the meditations in 'Guide to the Rosary' can be applied to everyday life, especially in bringing new life to our spirituality and how we engage and open ourselves to the power within the Euchartist.
In the Mysteries of Light, it appears that 'Faith' becomes the main focus of meditation. Mary, in particular is Jesus' first believer. She believes in Him at the Wedding Feast at Cana, and listens to God's call; 'Do whatever he tells you.' We as Christians should do the same. The Mysteries of Light focus on transformation, becoming a new person in Christ, and adding vitality in celebrating the Eucharist at Mass. As Christians, we often see Heaven as a far away, distant goal. Heaven is like a big, joyous feast! But it can start here on earth, in Mass, and in celebrating our greatest wealth, the Eucharist of Christ.
It seems as though the reason many fall away from the Faith is the 'I don't feel it anymore' attitude. Faith and believing in Jesus in the Eucharist is not about feeling it solely, it's about willing to make an effort at experiencing it, to change, rather, to be open to His Presence. For Jesus gave his life; 'shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.' Return His great gift, and be open to His tranformative effect in our lives.